Integrative Holistic Health Coaching

  • “It says to us, with a mysterious voice of thistle and rose, from the moon and honey, that the love of the earth is holy, memory will grow in the heart.”

    “Nos dice, con voz mysteriosa de card y de rosa, de luna y de miel, que es santo el amor de lat tierra, el recuerdo crecera en el corazon.”

    ~ Cesar Miro, Todos Vuelven

  • “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

    ~ Ayurvedic Proverb

  • “The great thing about Ayurveda is it’s treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.”

    ~ Shubra Krishan

  • “Mindfullness not only makes it possible to survey our internal landscape with compassion and curiosity but can also actively steer us in the right direction for self-care.”

    ~ Bessel VaDerKolk
    The Body Keeps the Score

  • “The garden teaches us there is something we are capable of doing. Only with something so small that it can be in everyone’s hand can we challenge the empire.”

    ~ Vandana Shiva

  • “Practices are many, principles are few.”

    ~ Matt Pesendian

Integrative Holistic Health Coaching with Anahata Healing Arts is an opportunity to address mind, body, and spirit, for an overall sense of wholeness and vitality. This might include nutritional guidance, herbal intelligence and support, yoga & meditation/mindfulness instruction, seasonal cleansing support, Ayurvedic Lifestyle education and Ayurvedic bodywork, nature connection mentoring, as well as present witnessing. Each program is tailored to the individual needs of the person before me with the tools I have on hand. 

In addition to my many certifications in bodywork, yoga instruction, nutrition, and Ayurveda, I am an ordained minister and feel deeply honored to work with clients as they face grief, celebrate joys, navigate and respond to illness, and strive to live their most authentic, vital, and beautiful life by being present with what is.

In addition to one on one work with clients I typically offer two seasonal guided cleanse workshops each year in the spring and fall which are announced through my newsletter. 

Please check my workshop page for current and previous workshops and reach out if you would like to host or request a workshop for your small group.

I am also available to orient clients to the cleanse guidebook and support them through individual cleanse programs.


“I did the spring cleanse with Liz and was amazed at not only how nourished I felt while doing the cleanse, but also how much lighter I felt afterward both physically and energetically. Unlike some cleanses that require dramatic fasts or other extreme measures, this cleanse supported rather than shocking my system. This holistic approach gently balances your entire system by using nourishing foods, herb, and self-care techniques to rejuvenate the body. I admit at first it felt a little daunting, but with the support from the group along with Liz’s gentle guidance you feel yourself let go of your inhibitions and ease into this beautiful flow of self-nourishment.”

~ Tamara Thomson, MaEd, Carpinteria, CA

  • “To reach your heart, as every indigenous tribe I know has told me, you must first remember your Divine Mother.”

    ~ Drunvalo Melchizedeck

  • Light in the heart has an interesting phenomenon. When you look at this world from here, now, light has shadows because light comes from a source. But the same light inside the heart, which I’ve spent so much time looking at, has no shadow because the light appears to come from everywhere.”

    ~ Drunvalo Melchizedeck

  • “Practices are many, principles are few.”

    ~ Matt Pesendian