The Place Where Seasons Meet

Greetings Dear ones,

Here we are again, at the sandhi, the 'alliance' between seasons, known as ritusandhi in Sanskrit (alliance of seasons, or place where seasons meet) approaching the Autumn Equinox, the time of balance between day and night, the evening twilight of the year so to speak.

Autumn Equinox is one of the best times of year to build biodynamic compost loaves, which you see in the image above, decorated with love by the children at the Waldorf gardens.

In just one week, on September 14th from 9:30a- 6:00pm,  the Waldorf School of Santa Barbara will be hosting biodynamic master teacher and practitioner, Harald Hoven. 

You can find out more about the workshop and register here at WSSB's website. I hope to see you there.

I am so constantly fascinated at the ways our digestion and our own personal ritucharya (seasonal rhythms) and dinacharya (daily rhythms) reflect those of the natural world within which we are en-webbed.

According to biodynamics this is an ideal time to cultivate the digestion of raw materials for increased fertility in the garden (composting), as well as being the ideal time according to Ayuveda (the science of life) to cultivate the digestive fire (agni) in our compost heap, our inner sacred fire of transformation, or our gut, in order to increase our Ojas, our own fertility and 'juiciness' that comes from strong healthy digestion and assimilation.

I am happy to be available to guide you through seasonal Ayurvedic cleansing with the help of herbal allies and lifestyle practices including simple yoga and meditation practices, as well as a clear guidebook with instructions and recipes.

We can meet virtually or in person to review your guidebook, consider the fundamentals of Ayurveda, answer your questions, and get you started on a seasonal cleanse that will support increased digestive capacity and detoxification for up to six months after the cleanse is complete.

Please reach out to me today by replying to this email to schedule your appointment and get started on your seasonal Ayurvedic cleanse.

“I did the spring cleanse with Liz and was amazed at not only how nourished I felt while doing the cleanse, but also how much lighter I felt afterward both physically and energetically. Unlike some cleanses that require dramatic fasts or other extreme measures, this cleanse supported rather than shocking my system. This holistic approach gently balances your entire system by using nourishing foods, herb, and self-care techniques to rejuvenate the body. I admit at first it felt a little daunting, but with the support from the group along with Liz’s gentle guidance you feel yourself let go of your inhibitions and ease into this beautiful flow of self-nourishment.”

~ Tamara Thomson, MaEd, Carpinteria, CA

I hope to see you soon at the Biodynamic Workshop with Harald Hoven, or for seasonal cleansing guidance, wandering in the foothills gathering herbs (or in this season more likely seeds), for massage, integrative health counseling, or private yoga.

Blessings on your descent into the fruitful darkness.

Much Love,

P.S. Carrie DeVaney will be working out of my Carpinteria office on Tuesdays starting this fall. She is a Myofascial Release therapist, Intuitive Reader, and Coach.

She is based in Ojai, so it is a treat to have her talented healing hands here in Carpinteria.

You can visit Carrie's website here, where you can find out more about her work and contact her to book a session in Carpinteria or Ojai. I highly recommend her bodywork and her compassionate, insightful heart and wise intuitive guidance.


Where there is sorrow, there is holy ground


Fire in the Belly