Blessed Samhain
Blessed Samhain to you all. Today is a quarter day of the year, halfway between the Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. It is a day traditionally celebrating the end of the harvest and the beginning of the dark days.
I am happy to announce on this special day that Baba Yaga Rides again. My little Etsy shop, Baba Yaga Botanicals, will be open while supplies last, selling my lovingly handcrafted Ayurvedic oils, luxurious copper oil warmers, and salves to help you cross off your holiday shopping list and gift beautiful herbal intelligence to those you love (and maybe even snag an item or two for yourself while you're at it!).
If you're in Carpinteria, CA, you can also find my products at Heritage Goods and Supply, at their brick and mortar store, as well as through their online virtual retail site.
The picture above is of my dear mentor, Baba Yaga. She is a master herbalist who is over 100 years old. She is so old her nose droops down like a rainspout. She can make herself grow to the size of a house or shrink to the size of a thimble through her herbal magic. Her form of transportation is to fly through the sky in a mortar, steer with a pestle, and sweep away her tracks with a birch broom. She lives in a hut deep in the woods called Izbushka, which walks around on chicken legs and only opens to her special chant "Little hut little hut, turn your back to the forest and your front to me". She is an archetypal dangerous wisdom giver. If you go to her with a pure heart, with respect and kindness, you will survive and emerge with great gifts, wealth, and happiness. If you go to her with disrespect and a bad attitude, beware, you will most likely be cooked in a pot and and eaten as part of her gigantic dinner (she has a superhuman appetite).
I hope that you enjoy this day of celebrating those who have passed on from this realm and letting go of what is no longer needed. As we descend into the dark days, may you find support and strength through developing your own inner light, because the light is catching, and, there are jewels to bring back from the darkness.
Big thanks to each one of you who has graced my ministry with your presence over the past year. I so appreciate the various ways you support me and my family through your patronage and also reflect the many facets of my own self back to me through your honest and deep presence and sharing.
I hope to see you in person soon for massage, private yoga instruction, Integrative Health Counseling, Ayurvedic lifestyle support.
All the best of health and happiness to you on this day and throughout the year to come.
With Love and Gratitude,
If you are looking to support your own innate natural wisdom and immunity, look no further. Baba Yaga is here to help!
Come check out our little online shop and peruse our options for herbal intelligence to support you and your loved ones during the dark days.
We have Ayurvedic massage oils, which I like to refer to as 'a spacesuit of love' for your nervous system, salves for the dry cracked skin that Vata season (autumn and early winter) brings, and Nasya oil to deliver nootrpoic and nervine herbs directly to the brain through the mucous membranes while soothing dryness and leaving an antimicrobial antibacterial layer of protection against infection. We also have luxurious and beautiful copper oil warmers for your massage oils and self care rituals.
Come visit our shop and explore the options for self care and holiday gifting.